Night Rating Course

Night Rating Course


Learn the necessary rules to fly in the hours of darkness with an online theory course and 1-on-1 session with an instructor. This CAA-certified course is provided by Flight Test NZ Part 141 certificate TR52489.

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Is this the right certification for me?

<p>The Night Rating is required for drone pilots who wish to fly at night outside of a shielded operation in accordance with an Unmanned Air Operators Certificate <a href="">(UAOC)</a> held by an organisation. If you plan to conduct night flights that do not meet the Part 101 rules, such as flying beyond visual line of sight, above 400 feet, or within 4 km of an airport at night, then you will need to obtain a Night Rating.&nbsp;</p><p>To be eligible for the Night Rating, you must already hold a valid Part 102 Remote Pilot Certificate issued by a CAA approved training organization. The Night Rating is an additional qualification that allows Part 102 certified pilots to extend their privileges to night flying.&nbsp;</p><p>If you only plan to fly your drone at night indoors, or within 100m of and below the height of a natural or man-made object (shielded operation), then you do not require a Night Rating. However, it is still recommended to complete night flying training to ensure you understand the unique challenges and hazards associated with operating drones in low light conditions.</p>

Course Details

<p>This night flying course consists of two parts - an online theory component and a practical flight assessment. The online theory covers important topics for conducting safe drone operations at night. It includes the CAA's definition of night flying, how to determine the times that night officially begins and ends, human factors that can affect night flying, drone lighting requirements, and emergency procedures. The content is delivered through reading passages and graphics. Throughout the theory course there are quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts. After completing the online theory, you will need to undertake a practical night flight assessment with a CAA approved training organization. During this flight assessment, you will demonstrate your ability to safely operate a drone at night in accordance with CAA rules and your Part 102 exposition. Upon successful completion of both the theory and practical components, you will be issued with a Night Rating. The practical night flight assessment takes between 2 to 3 hours. This qualifies you to act as pilot-in-command and conduct night drone operations in accordance with your Part 102 UAOC.&nbsp;</p><h3>Course Outline&nbsp;</h3><ul><li>Definitions&nbsp;<ul><li>CAA definition of night flying</li><li>Evening civil twilight and morning civil twilight</li><li>Determining when night begins and ends&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li>Rules, Certification and Recurrency<ul><li>Part 101 rules for night flying&nbsp;</li><li>How to fly at night under Part 102</li><li>Initial certification requirements for night rating&nbsp;</li><li>Ongoing currency requirements to stay current&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li>Human Factors<ul><li>Characteristics of the eye - rods and cones&nbsp;</li><li>Factors that affect night vision&nbsp;</li><li>Scanning techniques to maximize night vision&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li>Lighting Systems<ul><li>Required drone lighting systems for night&nbsp;</li><li>Differences between drone and manned aircraft lighting&nbsp;</li><li>Preserving night vision around bright lights/screens&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li>Operational Considerations and Flight Planning<ul><li>Familiarizing yourself with the flying area before night&nbsp;</li><li>Equipment considerations for night flying</li><li>Take-off/landing area and emergency site lighting&nbsp;</li><li>Avoiding collisions with manned aircraft at night&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li>Emergencies<ul><li>Procedures for loss of visual line of sight at night&nbsp;</li><li>Procedures for loss of control signal or flyaway&nbsp;</li><li>Accident/incident reporting requirements&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li>Practical Flight Assessment<ul><li>Outline of skills to be assessed in night practical flight test&nbsp;</li><li>Tips to prepare for your night rating flight assessment</li></ul></li><li>Competency refresher requirements.&nbsp;<ul><li>Once you have your night rating, there are no requirements for you to undergo future refresher assessments.&nbsp; That said, the onus is on the pilot to keep current with 3 take off and&nbsp; landing in the previous 3 months to remain current.&nbsp; If this is not achieved, currency can be regained by&nbsp;flying sufficient shielded&nbsp;night flights to reach the 3 x currency requirement within the previous 3 months.</li></ul></li></ul>